суббота, 24 сентября 2011 г.

I'm still alive, yep!

Just came from CG conference near Minsk. Listened much, told and spoke a lot. Drunk beer. Was cool.
For the conference I've prepared some Blender scenes where Python was very useful. Also I've updated 'rolling cubes' scene - refactored and cleaned up a little bit, added a possibility to 'freeze' cubes in certain areas with objects in special group 'logoPlace'
Here is .blend - http://www.pasteall.org/blend/8957
And video with update.

вторник, 15 марта 2011 г.

I'm still alive

Thanx Blendernation for posting post about this project! I had to say sorry for freezing work last days. Updates are going to come in few days.
Now I need to rearrange all things up in my head to make this tool not "script only for one job" but really useful multifunctional add-on. Maybe, some Mushroomer's features will be added

среда, 9 февраля 2011 г.


This is first post in my special blog what is fully focused on creation some nice VFX with Blender 2.56.
Let's watch original effect: watch on Vimeo
Very nice, isn't it? So I decided to create tool for Blender for easy recreating this.
What I have now:

("Компьютерная газета" - it's a title of computer related newspaper where I'm working as freelance writer)
As you can see - it's just compositing image with colorkey. But I think putting images right on the geometry can increase wow-factor a little:)
Link for downloading .blend file (old version - with compouse and without uv-feature)
Already done: adding geometry, assign materials and creating simple animation.
But! Almost everything not implement properly - its just temporary solution.
Nice GUI with size control, freezing zone for putting logo, and some other should be implemented...
Blenderartists forum is down for now, and I don't know where get some support.
The most important thing for me now - set materials for faces individually. Any help would be appreciated.
And sorry if my English too bad:)