вторник, 15 марта 2011 г.

I'm still alive

Thanx Blendernation for posting post about this project! I had to say sorry for freezing work last days. Updates are going to come in few days.
Now I need to rearrange all things up in my head to make this tool not "script only for one job" but really useful multifunctional add-on. Maybe, some Mushroomer's features will be added

2 комментария:

  1. I have an idea about new addons,please help me..

  2. Hey man!
    great work with that script!
    I´m currently using it for a job, and i made some changes to it, like:
    *Generate a "true" cube not 4 planes
    *Only 3 materials in the scene, every cube has an instance of those materials.
    *Every Cube is parented to and EMPTY, so we can move/rotate/scale them easely
    *Every cube has a lattice modifier, that way you can modify the shape whole group

    I made two scripts, one that rotates the cubes at Y and X axis, and the other one that starts the transition in the middle:

    http://www.pasteall.org/20864/python <- X and Y

    http://www.pasteall.org/20865/python <- Middle

    I also have some nice ideas, like sampling an image to have the start time of the cube´s rotation, but what I don´t have is time to implement them... =(

    again! thanks for the script, it was realy usefull!
